Be Smart and Boost Your Immune System


Hello friends,  


Gemi here, to share a few helpful remedies to prevent the COVID-19 virus.

boost your immune system

prevent illness 

stay calm and not give in to fear


Enjoy the video,

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Suppression of Emotions = Dis-ease

Anxiety and Depression are created from suppression.   


I really don’t like labels. My clients know, often when a new client comes to me with behavioral or mental issues often they start the conversation by saying “I have depression” “I have anxiety” or “I am depressed”. When I ask them if they are depressed now often the answer is “not right now but I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety”. 


This kind of affirmation is very strong, I am not saying it wasn’t true at some point but if addressed appropriately anxiety and depression don’t need to be a for life diagnosis. Of course, people come to me because they want more from life, they know they can feel and do better than taking medication their entire life. They come to me because they are tired of being called “depressed” or “anxious". They come to me when they are ready to do the work. Yes, I say work...

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5 False Beliefs About A Cleanse

Hi Everyone,


My name is Emily and I need to share this experience with you.

So, when I told people in my life that I was going to do a cleanse, many eyebrows lifted.  Some of the first reactions to hearing about a cleanse were frightening and acutely misinformed, and so, because of this, I decided to write about my cleanse. Also, to address some of the misconceptions about the process!


Let’s break down some of the top 5 misunderstandings about this cleanse.  Keep in mind, this doesn’t apply to all plans and remedies that are out there, but the guided, safe routine 10-day cleanse outlined by Nourish the Brain Institute.


Number One: Going to the bathroom.  This has got to win first place for the number of comments I heard when discussing the cleanse.  It is not true that being on a specific diet causes one to ‘clear their bowels’ in a rapid, unpredictable, radical way. Do people really do this type of thing to...

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This Valentine's Day, Know You Are Amazing: 5 Ways to Recognize This

We are all unique, there is no other you, only because of that we all should celebrate everyday because every day is unique it depends on you what you make of it.

Are you up for adventure and discovery of your amazing gifts? Let’s get into it.

  • Look at your face in a mirror and find one thing in your face you are especially proud of. You can’t say ‘nothing’ because I know it's not true.
  • Write down your last good deed. I also know you are the kind of person that does good deeds without even thinking about it. 
  • Now go in front of a full body mirror and point at least one thing of your body you like. It can be your brain but I want you to be generous with yourself. 

           I can see you are amazing inside out.

  • Do you have at least one really good friend, the kind of friend that it doesn’t matter how crappy you behave he/she still is in your side unconditionally.
  • Did you say “I...
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Know Your Brain Better

One of the things that amaze me the most in humans is the perfection of our being; body, brain, and mind. You probably already know that the brain runs all body functions, and if the brain dies, every organ needs to be hooked up to a machine to keep it alive. 

What is not so well known is the fact that the brain has many levels of performance in every human, depending on each situation. Let’s say when we are in fight or flight mode. Brain performance gets reduced to survival. When we are in love everything is wonderful, when we work the brain knows how to stay focused, when we enjoy a hobby or a good conversation with a friend the brain relaxes and performs very differently. All of this happens because our chemistry changes in every situation depending on the intensity of that specific situation.

The brain is a very complex organ, the most marvelous, mysterious perfect gift our physical body contains. Our brain doesn’t think but helps to create thoughts,...

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My friend eats garbage (junk food) How can I talk to them?

I don’t like telling people how to live, just because I have a different set of guidelines for my own nutrition. What happens? The person only is able to filter the message that they are doing something WRONG!  They shut off from new information and that is that. Here are some ideas for opening up conversations about healthy food choices.


Start with a question, invite them to reflect: 

It seems like you really like that _____, what about it do you like so much?  Wait for them to answer...


A)  If they reveal that they have guilt, and you should follow up with asking why they eat it if they know it is not healthy.  

B)  If they show that they haven’t thought about it, showing a lack of awareness, your next move is to ask if they have ever wondered what that food contains, or why it is your ‘go to’ choice?


Would you like to eat differently? 

Would you like to do better?  


Awareness is...

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Meatballs with Calamari and Peas

Hello Friends,


Here is a recipe that you will enjoy making for your family and friends.  Enjoy the holiday, or any time you can put the spirit of cooking into your daily meal.


1/2 pound ground pork

1/2 pound ground beef

1 pound calamari

1/3 pound peas (in a can)

2 red onions

1 can crushed tomatoes

1 egg yolk

3 garlic cloves

1 bunch of parsley

rice flour 

1 slice (gluten free) bread

olive oil



almonds (roasted)

a pinch of saffron


Chop: almonds, parsley, mix in saffron


Prepare the meatballs with pork, beef, 2 garlic cloves (crushed), egg yolk, a couple of branches of parsley chopped finely, bread chopped into small pieces.  Mix all together with a food processor or manually.  Create the meatballs.  I like them small, half of a golf-ball-size, but they can be as big as a golf ball if you like!


When round, roll them in the rice flour that you have set previously on a plate. Then you can fry them lightly...

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Hypothalamus Bitch

What the f*&.# is going on whit my Hypothalamus? As strange as it may seem to you this was the first question that popped in my mind the day I start sweating in bursts. “Provably a lot” that was my quick answer.

If I a go back in time to 2006 when I had my brain broken due to stress, one of the side effects from the break down was my breasts started lactating, no like I had a baby but still lactating in a weird way…like lactating per se wasn’t weird enough, my “baby” was 11 years old at that time I was supposed to be as dry as it gets.

One of the hormones that the hypothalamus manages is prolactin. This is the hormone women need to make milk to breastfeed their babies. When you are not at that point and you start lactating the red flags are straight up but guess what? I did go to the doctor which told me “it’s probably nothing, maybe stress”. Well… Sir, yes I did have stress but I had not time to go further in the...

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Develop a curiosity for the future, not an attachment to the past

There is a saying at Nourish the Brain, that reminds us to focus on the power of imagination and the Law of Attraction.


“Start Where You Want To Be”

If you aren’t really familiar with this manner of thinking, check out Video Link: The Law of Attraction 


Can you experience positive emotions for something that has not happened yet? The answer to this question is an overwhelming YES.  Visualize, and be clear about what you want, down to the most minute detail you are capable of realizing. Do this every day and make time to see how your future will look.  

Humans have survival as a default strategy that is deeply imprinted in our thinking patterns. It is the reason why we survived sabertooth tiger attacks thousands of years ago.  Since there is no longer a tiger chasing you, it is okay to slow down that racing mindset and to get into a profoundly different place.  

Survival mode is triggering the release of your stress...

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3 Habits That Are Holding You Back

  1. Multitasking - This actually isn’t really a thing.  People use this term all the time, but in reality, none of us can ever do two or more things at a time.  Physically and mentally, put together, we must be present in order to get it right.  When we are doing too much, accidents occur.
  2. Not knowing what you really want - We focus consciously on the things we don’t want; failure, loss, extra weight, the list goes on.  When we visualize our ideal self living in the present moment, the subconscious mind will make it happen.
  3. Comparing yourself to others - There are two ways people do this, and the first is visual. When we see people, we automatically make an idea about them in our head.  The other way is catching yourself when you are comparing yourself to others with things that you cannot see.  Examples of this are “She has everything so put together, why can’t I do that? Why does my life feel so chaotic?”  


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