Know Your Brain Better

One of the things that amaze me the most in humans is the perfection of our being; body, brain, and mind. You probably already know that the brain runs all body functions, and if the brain dies, every organ needs to be hooked up to a machine to keep it alive. 

What is not so well known is the fact that the brain has many levels of performance in every human, depending on each situation. Let’s say when we are in fight or flight mode. Brain performance gets reduced to survival. When we are in love everything is wonderful, when we work the brain knows how to stay focused, when we enjoy a hobby or a good conversation with a friend the brain relaxes and performs very differently. All of this happens because our chemistry changes in every situation depending on the intensity of that specific situation.

The brain is a very complex organ, the most marvelous, mysterious perfect gift our physical body contains. Our brain doesn’t think but helps to create thoughts,...

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