How can we best feed our brain to get the most out of it? The answer is by eating sufficient fats, protein, antioxidants, carbs, minerals, and vitamins. But how much of each? Our brain is 90% fat. Therefore, our consumption of fat is crucial to a healthy brain and is what allows our brain to stay fresh, soft, and happy.
When you think of fat, what food did you picture in your mind?
I want to encourage you to think about good plant-based fats such as:
* Coconut oil
* Olive oil.
* Avocado.
* Flaxseed oil.
These are the fats your brain thrives off of.
There is only one animal fat that does make the list of good fats, can you guess what it is?
The animal fat we’re looking for is cold-pressed cod liver oil.
To our brain and body, protein is protein. What matters really is the amount we have in every meal. A good amount of protein would be the size of the palm of your hand, a larger hand, a larger amount of...
While you are not careful in choosing the people you mingle with, they are busy keeping you where they feel comfortable, which might not be what you desire.
I see my friend, ask how it’s going. What is the tone of their response?
“I’m so tired..” “My life is so ____________.” (Insert negative comment here.)Hard, stressful, boring, busy, f***ed up.
Let’s face it, we all talk like this at times in our life, maybe now more frequently.
So, what makes up what we are and what we say?
The answer is Spirit.
Spirit is all we are, not just your physical self. Spirit is your thoughts. What happens when we think repeatedly negative things? We attract problems or bad attitudes. If we can attract problems by thinking negatively, why don’t we reverse it? Why don’t we spend more time thinking of what we want and attract those things?
This law applies to...
Your intuition is your guidance.
You are much more than what you can see. The more aware you are of your inner strengths, the more you use them correctly. Nothing can go wrong.
In the movie, Fried Green Tomatoes, Evelyn Couch (Kathy Bates), went about her daily life, taking care of everyone else she could on a daily basis. She was living her life through other people. Evelyn knew what she wanted to have in her life, but she kept it in the background of her mind, not the foreground. Feelings kept creeping up, yet she pushed them back down because society told her how to live her life.
This led to a feeling of dissatisfaction. Why did this happen? Because Evelyn didn’t know how to do it any differently. She never asked for help, but she knew deep down that she deserved better.
What are your inner strengths?
One of the things that amaze me the most in humans is the perfection of our being; body, brain, and mind. You probably already know that the brain runs all body functions, and if the brain dies, every organ needs to be hooked up to a machine to keep it alive.
What is not so well known is the fact that the brain has many levels of performance in every human, depending on each situation. Let’s say when we are in fight or flight mode. Brain performance gets reduced to survival. When we are in love everything is wonderful, when we work the brain knows how to stay focused, when we enjoy a hobby or a good conversation with a friend the brain relaxes and performs very differently. All of this happens because our chemistry changes in every situation depending on the intensity of that specific situation.
The brain is a very complex organ, the most marvelous, mysterious perfect gift our physical body contains. Our brain doesn’t think but helps to create thoughts,...