Falling in Love with the Ideal

How many times have you used the words ‘exactly' or ‘perfect’ in a conversation?  


What about the word ‘ideal’? 


Usually, the ideal is used to describe the best result.

The use in this case is incorrect. The real meaning of “ideal” is the moment we really fall in love with an idea. For instance, it might have been the first time an idea enters your mind. 


You created the idea out of nothing, it happened spontaneously and brought joy to you just by being in your thoughts. 

This is the correct definition of the ideal, and here’s why it’s so important.  Why would I tell you this? Because I want you to know that everything is created twice.


At first, it exists as a thought and stays in this state until you manifest it as a physical thing. 


First is created in your mind and when you take action is created physically. I created my ideal the day I adopted my...

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Attracting Abundance in Your Life

Millions of people around the world have found the secret to a happy and successful life.  Why not you?


Abundance, it’s what we’re all searching for, but what is it? 


Abundance is found in giving more than receiving.  Picture this, you enter a room full of people.  


Colleagues, friends, and clients you meet are left with a profound feeling. You are adding value to their lives. 

Not necessarily monetary value, but the overall feeling of increase.  It is commonly experienced simply as the desire for a more abundant life, more experiences, and richer ones, at that. 


Transfer to others the impression of going forward with everything you do.  All people receive the idea that you are a successful person.  Give people you meet the message of increase by embodying the spirit of success. 


Do everything with the firm belief that you are an advancing being, and that you carry with you the...

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A Turning Point, COVID-19 and Getting Back to Happy

March 2020 was a turning point.

“Stay at home, and only leave the house for essentials. No visitation of family or friends, and work from home if you can.” 

Millions were fired or furloughed all over the world, millions of square feet of rental space were made vacant. Children were homeschooled, teachers began to teach from home. Therapists, coaches, and group sessions all went virtual.

Surgeries…better not need any serious medical treatment, as COVID-19 consumed the resources in hospitals.

Millions of people struggled to feed their families or keep their homes. 


We all adapted to the environment with more or less ease.

Some people have had a harder time adjusting because they don’t know how to create a new environment for themselves. Many of us have built up some level of fear depending on our circumstances. One thing is for sure, all of us have developed some level of “hypervigilance” during this time, depending on the...

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Suppression of Emotions = Dis-ease

Anxiety and Depression are created from suppression.   


I really don’t like labels. My clients know, often when a new client comes to me with behavioral or mental issues often they start the conversation by saying “I have depression” “I have anxiety” or “I am depressed”. When I ask them if they are depressed now often the answer is “not right now but I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety”. 


This kind of affirmation is very strong, I am not saying it wasn’t true at some point but if addressed appropriately anxiety and depression don’t need to be a for life diagnosis. Of course, people come to me because they want more from life, they know they can feel and do better than taking medication their entire life. They come to me because they are tired of being called “depressed” or “anxious". They come to me when they are ready to do the work. Yes, I say work...

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This Valentine's Day, Know You Are Amazing: 5 Ways to Recognize This

We are all unique, there is no other you, only because of that we all should celebrate everyday because every day is unique it depends on you what you make of it.

Are you up for adventure and discovery of your amazing gifts? Let’s get into it.

  • Look at your face in a mirror and find one thing in your face you are especially proud of. You can’t say ‘nothing’ because I know it's not true.
  • Write down your last good deed. I also know you are the kind of person that does good deeds without even thinking about it. 
  • Now go in front of a full body mirror and point at least one thing of your body you like. It can be your brain but I want you to be generous with yourself. 

           I can see you are amazing inside out.

  • Do you have at least one really good friend, the kind of friend that it doesn’t matter how crappy you behave he/she still is in your side unconditionally.
  • Did you say “I...
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Develop a curiosity for the future, not an attachment to the past

There is a saying at Nourish the Brain, that reminds us to focus on the power of imagination and the Law of Attraction.


“Start Where You Want To Be”

If you aren’t really familiar with this manner of thinking, check out Video Link: The Law of Attraction 


Can you experience positive emotions for something that has not happened yet? The answer to this question is an overwhelming YES.  Visualize, and be clear about what you want, down to the most minute detail you are capable of realizing. Do this every day and make time to see how your future will look.  

Humans have survival as a default strategy that is deeply imprinted in our thinking patterns. It is the reason why we survived sabertooth tiger attacks thousands of years ago.  Since there is no longer a tiger chasing you, it is okay to slow down that racing mindset and to get into a profoundly different place.  

Survival mode is triggering the release of your stress...

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3 Habits That Are Holding You Back

  1. Multitasking - This actually isn’t really a thing.  People use this term all the time, but in reality, none of us can ever do two or more things at a time.  Physically and mentally, put together, we must be present in order to get it right.  When we are doing too much, accidents occur.
  2. Not knowing what you really want - We focus consciously on the things we don’t want; failure, loss, extra weight, the list goes on.  When we visualize our ideal self living in the present moment, the subconscious mind will make it happen.
  3. Comparing yourself to others - There are two ways people do this, and the first is visual. When we see people, we automatically make an idea about them in our head.  The other way is catching yourself when you are comparing yourself to others with things that you cannot see.  Examples of this are “She has everything so put together, why can’t I do that? Why does my life feel so chaotic?”  


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4 Powerful Points of Transcendental Meditation, by Emily King


Hello Nourish the Brain Community,

It's an honor to be writing my first blog piece for Nourish the Brain Institute.  For those of you who may know, I have been working with Gemi in several capacities, all behind the scenes, for this outstanding institute.  

In this interview, I was privileged to meet for the first time with John Freeman, Transcendental Meditation (TM) Director and Certified Teacher in San Luis Obispo, CA.  

Gemi and I walked into his breathtaking garden oasis and set up filming right away.  I could tell he was not only a profoundly eloquent person but also a fully energized advocate of the TM Community.  As this was my first experience with the concept of this practice, I was all ears about its mechanics.  So, watch the interview and find out what Transcendental Meditation involves, and how it is uniquely set apart from other guided meditations you may have tried.

What makes Transcendental Meditation a unique and...

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How To Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Health Goals

When we set up goals for our life, the best and most effective thing to do is to narrow them down to be the most specific and detailed versions of what we want to achieve. 

Don’t worry about the “how.” This is the hardest part of creating goals. When we are creating a goal we want to know everything and if we don’t we get stressed, anxious, fear kicks in and we are done! Fear stops us from taking any sort of action.

This is normal. 

How many times have you created a goal and given up before taking any action, because you don’t know how it's going to play out?

Giving Up on Health Goals

Healthwise it happens the same way. When clients come to me, often they have a physical goal they want to achieve. The truth is that soon enough they realize the goal they set up is not really the goal they need to achieve in the first place but if they hadn't set up the first goal they wouldn’t know that.

When you want to transform your...
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9 Simple Routines That Will Help You Age Better

Can you recall your first memory? 

First memories are rather interesting because you are never quite sure just how accurate they are. It’s either because you were very young or you have revisited the memory so many times over the years that it evolves with each revisit. I do have an early memory and when I talked to my mom about it awhile back, she said, “It is impossible that you remember that, you were only a year and a half old!”

My first memory is being strolled by my mom down the street on a nice spring morning. I saw a lady sitting in a green and white garden chair watching people walk below her balcony. She was in all black, from head to toe, including a scarf on her head which covered up her hair. This lady was old with very wrinkled skin and she didn’t have any teeth in her mouth. She smiled at us as we were approaching and my mom stopped below the balcony, they had a few words and then we kept walking. I don’t remember what they...

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