The Amazing Secret of Intuition

Your intuition is your guidance.


 You are much more than what you can see. The more aware you are of your inner strengths, the more you use them correctly.   Nothing can go wrong. 


In the movie, Fried Green Tomatoes, Evelyn Couch (Kathy Bates), went about her daily life, taking care of everyone else she could on a daily basis.  She was living her life through other people.    Evelyn knew what she wanted to have in her life, but she kept it in the background of her mind, not the foreground.  Feelings kept creeping up, yet she pushed them back down because society told her how to live her life.  

This led to a feeling of dissatisfaction.  Why did this happen?  Because Evelyn didn’t know how to do it any differently.  She never asked for help, but she knew deep down that she deserved better.  

What are your inner strengths?   


  • Intuition
  • Will
  • Perception
  • Imagination
  • ...
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Suppression of Emotions = Dis-ease

Anxiety and Depression are created from suppression.   


I really don’t like labels. My clients know, often when a new client comes to me with behavioral or mental issues often they start the conversation by saying “I have depression” “I have anxiety” or “I am depressed”. When I ask them if they are depressed now often the answer is “not right now but I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety”. 


This kind of affirmation is very strong, I am not saying it wasn’t true at some point but if addressed appropriately anxiety and depression don’t need to be a for life diagnosis. Of course, people come to me because they want more from life, they know they can feel and do better than taking medication their entire life. They come to me because they are tired of being called “depressed” or “anxious". They come to me when they are ready to do the work. Yes, I say work...

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